Major projects completed
- Worked with Service Fellows Applicants to develop a scope a strong scope of work.
- Met with community partners to discuss resources that could be leveraged for the program including Live + Work Maine, and Seacoast Mission.
- Attended Volunteer Leadership Conference.
- Developed strategy around fundraising in collaboration with foundation members in order to best make the case for individual fellow opportunities as aligned with identified donors’ values, and geographic area.
- Met with Maine Health Access Foundation to discuss funding opportunities with the MSF project model.
- Developed Memorandum of Understanding agreement for Projects hosting a Fellow
- All applicants are ready to move into recruitment with 2 funded projects and one potential source of funding for the final project.
Major focus of effort in the next month/continuation
- Attend staff meetings and Commission meeting.
- Continue to develop programmatic materials and procedures including recruitment materials and benefits poster, applicant selection procedure, reporting processes and documentation, program calendar etc.
- Continue identifying potential donor and grant opportunities available to both back fill remaining funding needed for a second fellow position and increase total numbers of spots on going.
- Develop strategy around fundraising in collaboration with foundation members in order to best make the case for individual fellow opportunities as aligned with identified donors’ values, and geographic area.
- Network and collaborate with other State departments in the development of current applicant work plans as appropriate to their expertise.
- Collaborate with current applicants to develop specific recruitment details and plan in advertising for a candidate.
- Recruit candidates for Maine Service Fellow project sites.
- Develop and formalize an interview and selection procedure.
- Networking with current VM stakeholders (climate advisory, volunteer network and foundation members) to continue to pursue funding opportunities to expand the reach of the program.
- Continue to review current applicant feedback to implement changes to next cycles procedures.