- Met with potential applicants for AmeriCorps grants.
- Submitted comments to 2 Federal RFIs regarding use of BIL Funds; recommended incorporating funding opportunities for service corps programs to meet climate action and community engagement goals.
- Attended Fusion Conference in Bangor to network and make connections in region.
- Attended Nature Based Education Consortium Convening to network with environmental education organizations.
- Met with grantee to discuss opportunities for growth into climate action sites.
- Supported and attended Volunteer Leadership Conference.
- Launched Climate Corps E-News.
- Outreach to environmental groups regarding youth service mini-grants.
- Ongoing:
- Attended staff meetings.
- Attended ASC Climate Corps workgroup.
- Attended Research and Evaluation Task Force Meeting.
- Upcoming Project Focus:
- Plan for potential Federal funding opportunities for climate corps.
- Finalize grant agreement for Climate Corps grantee.
- Plan for reporting framework and grant administration for new Climate Corps grant.
- Present to Legacy Scholars program about Climate Corps.
- Continuing to meet and have calls with representatives of Maine organizations, national service, state government, etc.